Saturday, January 26, 2013

Faith in Action

Hello friends! 
This week we got to study the book of Hebrews. I had never studied it closely before so it was neat to read it so closely! Chapter 11 was my favorite. It is like the Faith Hall of Fame. There are a ton of Old Testament heroes listed and what they did to be counted as righteous. It was pretty much always their actions done in faith!

Below is my outline of the chapter.

Hebrews 11 – Chapter Theme – Action by Faith
·      Biblical definition of faith:
o   “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” – Hebrews 11:1
·      Biblical examples of faith:
o   Creation (11:3)
§  We have faith that God made the world out of nothing
§  Without faith there is no explanation with solid evidence
·      Bad substitutes:
o   Big Bang Theory
o   No beginning to the world
o   Abel (11:4)
§  Abel’s offering to the Lord pleased Him because He gave the best he had in faith whereas Cain gave what was convenient.
§  “By faith he was commended as righteous”
§  His brother was so jealous he killed him.
o   Enoch (11:5)
§  Pleased God so much with his faith God took him to heaven and he never experienced death.
§  “And without faith it is impossible to please God” (11:6a)
o   Noah (11:7)
§  When God told Noah to build a huge ark he didn’t hesitate and built it exactly as he was commanded.
§  He was rewarded by being spared from the flood and he “became heir of the righteousness that is in keeping with faith”.
o   Abraham and Sarah (11:8-19)
§  Abraham left his home and family and traveled to an unknown location by faith.
§  Sarah, who was way past childbearing age, was able to conceive because she believed God when He said she would.
§  By faith Abraham went to sacrifice Isaac to God because He knew God promised him descendants thru Isaac and if he did sacrifice him, God could raise him from the dead.
o   Isaac (11:20)
§  By faith, blessed Jacob and Esau in regard to their future.
o   Jacob (11:21)
§  By faith, Jacob blessed each of Joseph’s sons, and continued to worship God.
o   Joseph (11:22)
§  Joseph talked about the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt.
o   Moses (11:23-28)
§  Moses’ parents hid him for three months because “they saw he was no ordinary child, and they were not afraid of the king’s edict”.
§  Moses refused to be known as the Pharaoh’s daughter but instead chose to suffer with the Israelites.
§  He led the Israelites out of Egypt without fear of the king because he knew God was with him.
§  He kept the Passover.
o   Israelites (11:29-30)
§  By their faith, they were able to cross the Red Sea on dry land, but the Egyptians were drowned when they tried.
§  The wall of Jericho fell after marching around them seven times.
o   Rahab (11:31)
§  Because she welcomed the spies, she was not killed with the disobedient.
o   Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel, and the prophets (11:32-38)
§  By faith:
·      Conquered kingdoms
·      Administered justice
·      Gained what was promised
·      Shut the mouths of lions
·      Quenched the fury of flames
·      Escaped the edge of the sword
·      Weakness was turned to strength
·      Became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies
·      Women received back their dead, raised to life again
·      Others were tortured, refusing to be released so that they might gain an even better resurrection
·      Faced jeers and flogging and even chains and imprisonment
·      Put to death by stoning, sawed in two, or killed by the sword
·      Persecuted and mistreated
The world was not worthy of them

Sometimes I feel like God asks a lot of my, but then I look at this chapter and I realize I am being silly. When was the last time God asked me to stand up to a king, hang out with some hungry lions, or be tortured and killed for my faith? I think Him asking me to be patient as I look for jobs is nothing compared to that!!

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